Monthly fee
The fee will be charged monthly on the same date that your first payment occurred. In other words, if you made your first payment on the 16th of June, your monthly fee will always be charged on the 16th day of the month.
The monthly fee will be charged regardless of what your daily budget is, and will be charged even if your campaign is manually paused. The only way to stop the monthly fee from being deducted is to cancel your account. You will still be able to set your daily budget to any amount.
Account cancellation
When you cancel your account you will not be charged any monthly fee and no balance refill payments will be made. If you have balance left on your account your advertising can continue until your balance runs out. You can always reactivate your account later if you should change your mind!
Legacy customers
If you have a look at our new pricing page, you will see that the level of support you have been receiving up to now, comes at a monthly fee of R500. To thank you for your loyalty, we will continue offering this support to you for R150/month.