google ads case study

Learning From 2021

2021 was a steep learning curve in so many ways (hello, universe, we’d like to request the learning curve no longer be a vertical line). And marketing is no exception. By leveraging lessons learnt post-pandemic, you can optimise your marketing for 2022.

  1. Marketing automation is the new black
    Marketing automation is the process of using software to automate repetitive marketing tasks. It is a powerful way to gather insightful data which you can then use to respond to customer engagement with recommended products, services, free trials, coupons and more. Streamline your marketing efforts and make them more effective with Adbot.
  1. Google reigns supreme
    Google has become so dominant that it’s name is synonymous with internet search itself. In January 2021 Google accounted for 92% of all internet search activity. When people “Google” your business or services, make sure you show up with Adbot.
  1. Personalisation should be prioritised
    According to lessons learned in 2021, personalisation is one of the elements of marketing that can make or break online businesses in 2022. Shoppers say that they are more likely to engage with a brand if it offers them a personalised experience. Think about how your business can personalise your offering to your consumers.
  1. Digital transformation continues to grow
    As people are meeting in person less and less, companies have invested heavily in digital solutions including chat bots, artificial intelligence, e-commerce, apps, virtual reality and more. How can your business benefit from these types of transformations? 

Google Ads? Adbot it!

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